It doesn't matter what you do. If a nigga only wants to fuck you, he will only try to fuck you. You could talk your way out of a paper sac, DAT SHIT DONT MATTER!! HE DOESNT GIVE A FUCK! Haha. Niggas are a ridiculous subject to me these days. I laugh at the thought of this shit. Niggas dont know how to spit game. No nigga. Ever. Imma stop sayin nigga so people dont feel like this applies to only black kids. Boys in general lack genuinity.
Alot of guys run into are dumb as rocks and either terrible listeners or cant hold conversations for shit. And all of a sudden they hit you with 'yeahh i eat pussy sooo....'
Nigga okayy??!? Like just cos you eat the box doesn't mean i want you to eat mine! That's why niggas get treated like bitches these days. They just loose and simple and uninteresting. They bitch and cry more than ever.
I have been 'the boy' in the most recent like 3 rela's. I thought it was just me but it's not! It's the niggas! Boys are the new Girls. And that's the realist shit i ever wrote.