1.You've remained a friend to me but i think thats only because you dont know how to be by yourself. I appreciate you and all, but it is imperative you learn to stand up for yourself, sir.
2. Im hardly attracted to anyone physically, but cotdamn do you make my mind turn into a private screening of custom-made xxx's. Is it gettin' hot in here?
3.YOU are a great friend. And you are loyal. These things are important to me and you are important to me. We've had hilarious not-sober times but also fun staying clean(8 and you never judge. ever.
4.You've always been my best friend. Since I was eight years old. I know this, and you know this. There are only so many ways I can say it lol. I love you.
5. You're a phony and you're a coward. I cant believe I used to look up to you. And I guess you could try and say the same about me, but the only difference is I would actually say this to your face.
6. Thank God for your impeccable timing. At times I sit back and just think like "How the fuck did i get blessed with a guy like this?" because honestly, I havent done anything in my life to deserve someone like you.