Saturday, June 19, 2010

Body&Soul Modifications i am considering:

One because i am bored, two because i am somewhat uncomfortable. I was going to say unhappy, but thats not true. I am happy for a change. Now that im a highschool graduate, im not stressed about school bullshit but instead, worried about my real-life coming ahead, starting to think just a little more. Like damn, pretty soon this will be foreal and i'll be on my own. Just me, enjoying my own company.

I'm trying not to think.

This is literally the exact tattoo, minus some shading, that i want. All of my sisters and my mother alike, are going to have a rose tattoo. My eldest sister Brenda always addressed us as "roses", I believe because they are the classic beauties of nature. each one blooming dfferently and at their own pace, but still beautiful, in the end. She has small roses on each wrist but i want my rose to be bigger to show the large signifigance such a simple pet name has had in my life.